Wednesday, December 13, 2023

  2024 real estate projection in Placer, Sacramento and El Dorado Hills real estate market

There's a general conscientious that the real estate market as a whole will improve in the coming year.  We're expecting interested rates to tick down further which will help overall affordability for home buyers.  On top of interest rates expected to come down we're estimating that prices will remain stagnate with more likelihood of coming down slightly.  Zillow and other online real estate companies are suggesting a decline in Roseville home prices around 1.4% in 2024.  This is a small percentage, I'm sure the over under percentage of error in the estimate is higher than the prediction.  I can tell you that we've seen new home construction cranking out houses in 2023.  New homes accounted for 25% of all home sales in Placer, Sacramento and El Dorado counties in 2023.  They will continue to build new homes as home builders have projects lined up.  Some of the larger projects like Folsom Ranch is going to be under construction for 3-4 more years.  Foslom ranch is going to be beautiful when it's all done and built out.  Some of the features I've seen with the commercial and shopping centers there will be amazing.  Personally I think they need to address the traffic there at E. Bidwell.  It can be crazy around 5-7pm.  Those new homes in Folsom are on small lots and going for big money, around 1 million.  I've already sold a house in there, it was a resale 3600 sqft for 950K, and that was almost 2 years ago.  I think we'll continue to see people say put with there sub 5% interest rates and the market will be mostly folks moving for work and life changes; such as, divorce, marriage, death...  Plenty of people are wanting to move up but I think the numbers have to make more sense before people want to take on more debt.  

When it comes to the industry, we're seeing more and more people getting out of the business.  Lenders, real estate agents, title officers and so on are finding themselves in a situation where they are depleting all their cash and need to get a new job.  At the end of the day, there's simply not enough transactions to support the amount of people that got into the business.  This is a cycle and trend and I've seen it before.  When the Roseville real estate market is hot, then people jump on the band wagon, but when things get tough it thins the herd.  I've been at this for 20+ years now so I've been able to work multiple angles to generate business.  Some of my new clients come via google, but most of my business comes from repeat clients and professional referral.  I specialize in partition sales so I've networked with attorneys in the area to assign me as the listing broker in those situations.  I've also focuses on land development thru clients and I'm also doing my own subdivision in Roseville.  It's only 10 lots on Main St. in Roseville; however, it's been a great first hand experience as to the process.

At the end of the day, it's a good time to buy a house in Roseville area.  Make sure you have a good local lender, I can recommend several if you need.  As long as the monthly payment is in your budget, it's likely you'll be able to refi in the near future and get that payment even lower.  If not and rates go up then you'll still be happy with your rate and payment.  Another key is to have a broker like myself who knows most of the other brokers in town to help negotiate on your behalf.  People tend to be more frank and forthcoming with people they know.  

I look forward to another productive and exciting year selling real estate in Roseville 2024!

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